Wednesday, October 16, 2024

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What Is the Best Form of Hormone Replacement Therapy?

If you’re experiencing hormonal imbalances, talk to a doctor about personalized hormone replacement therapy (HRT). This treatment uses custom-made supplements to help manage menopause, andropause, and other endocrine disorders. It can alleviate various symptoms, from anxiety and depression to fatigue and weight gain.

What Is Bioidentical Treatment?

While hormone replacement therapy traditionally uses synthetic hormones to balance your chemical messengers, the bioidentical method uses chemicals identical to what your body produces. These chemicals come from plants such as soy or yams. They fit into your body’s receptors and mimic how your natural hormones function to provide symptom relief.

What Is Bioidentical Treatment?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is one of the best forms of treatment because your body can easily adapt to it. After visiting a hormone specialist for testing, they’ll prescribe the appropriate dosage and combination of chemicals you need. Some reasons why BHRT is the best include:


Bioidentical chemicals can ease mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, and weight gain. If you’re going through menopause, a specialist will administer bioidentical estrogen to replace your declining levels. This treatment may improve your sleep quality and restore moisture and elasticity to vaginal tissues to ease vaginal dryness. For men dealing with andropause, bioidentical testosterone can improve their libido, energy, and mental clarity.

Tailored Treatment

Where synthetic HRT uses an effective one-size-fits-all approach, specialists tailor BHRT to your individual profile. This allows your body to get the correct hormone type and amount. Over time, you can adjust the dosage to maintain optimal chemical levels in your body.

Long-term Benefits

BHRT not only lessens immediate symptoms but also offers lasting benefits. Balancing your chemicals can slow the progression of bone loss and support cognitive function as you age. It may also help to reduce the risk of heart disease. For postmenopausal women, getting BHRT can lower the risk of developing or worsening osteoporosis. Men on bioidentical testosterone therapy may also experience improved muscle mass.

What Are the Forms of BHRT?

Depending on your preference, your hormone specialist can recommend the following types of BHRT:

  • Topical creams: You apply these on your skin so that they absorb directly into your bloodstream. They are easy to use and provide a steady release of chemicals all day.
  • Sublingual tablets: You place them under your tongue, and they bypass your digestive system and enter your blood. They provide fast relief.
  • Patches: You wear them on your skin for consistent hormonal release. They’re used in estrogen and testosterone therapy.
  • Pellet therapy: This therapy involves inserting small, rice-sized hormonal pellets under the skin in the hip or buttock area through minor surgery. The pellets last for several months and steadily release doses into the body.
What Are the Forms of BHRT?

If you can commit to regular intake, then sublingual tablets are ideal. People who prefer a solution that requires minimum daily effort can opt for patches. If you prefer a hands-on approach, then topical gels are suitable.

Start Hormone Replacement Therapy Today

HRT is a way to replenish your body with the chemicals it needs in a safe, effective manner. Bioidentical therapies are efficient because they offer tailored remedies and leave lasting results. If you think you have a hormonal imbalance, don’t wait for the symptoms to increase. Visit a hormone specialist today to explore which bioidentical therapy you prefer.

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