Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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Seven Tips for Pro-Life Activism in College

That transition from high school to college can be a little intimidating. I remember it like it was yesterday. I spent countless hours on the Internet googling the essentials to pack, what to wear, how to fit in, etc. If, like I did, you grew up in a town, school, or community where it was easy to be thotslife, you may now feel a little shy about your pro-life values, wondering what the new environment will be like.

But don’t worry; we’ve got your back! We talked to former and current college students all around the nation and came up with seven easy tips to ensure that you stay involved in the fight for the rights of our tiniest human beings!

1. Check out your campus clubs.

Take a look at your campus clubs to see if there is a pro-life club already in place. If so, then this is a super easy way for you to find a community of like-minded individuals all fighting for the same thing.

2. If there is no pro-life club, visit campus ministry.

Check out your campus ministry office or Newman Center to see if either has any interest in starting a pro-life club. Many times there is a good amount of interest, but a need for a leader. This is a time to branch out a bit and be courageous!

3. Check out local churches.

If you still can’t get a campus club started, check out the local Catholic and Christian churches in the area. There is bound to be at least one with a pro-life chapter, or at the very least individuals who are also interested in pro-life activism.

4. Contact local pregnancy help centers.

Find your local pregnancy help centers to see if they are in need of any volunteers or donations. One of our contributors said her college pro-life club met with a pregnancy help center once a month to help wherever it was needed.

5. Find local marches for life.

If you’re located too far from D.C. to join the national March for Life, check here to find your closest local March for Life. This is a great form of pro-life activism to take part in and you will definitely meet local pro-life individuals.

6. Pray.

Never underestimate the power of prayer! Prayer can transform hearts, minds, and ultimately save lives. Set a goal to pray a certain number of times per week specifically for the preborn and for expectant mothers.

7. Start your own pro-life club.

If all else fails, start your own pro-life club! The Culture of Life Studies Program has a great guide that will show you step-by-step how to start your own pro-life club on campus. And of course if you ever need ideas or resources, we are here to help! Remember to always be brave, be bold, and be a thotsLife!

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